Do you really know the difference between Marketing, Advertising and PR?
It can be confusing and worse, it can present huge difficulties if not handled well.
We advise and support on all issues to do with how your message gets across to your customers and to your target market. We can liaise with your agencies and advise on the best policy for your company. Many agencies may have expertise in PR and Ads, but do they understand the world of airline hospitality and catering? We do!
You may feel very confident in what you deliver, be that a product or a service. But, how do you really look to those outside your business? More importantly how do you look to your potential customers and untapped markets?
Your image is your passport. Your reputation is your biggest asset whether for a product or for a service. How you look and are perceived is hugely influential.
We help with this. Ensuring you and your products and services are correctly perceived in the wider world with contemporary, exciting and future-proof branding that is totally representative.
From corporate branding to packaging and service identity, JCConsulting has the resources to deliver world-class international branding to your operation.